Monday, September 27, 2010

Can Strep Cause Anxiety

Vintage Festival

In Padua a few days ago, and 'held the first vintage festival.
The event consisted of an exhibition of objects, clothes and more of the past.
Among the glasses, bags and hats, of course, I saw a Polaroid type camera identical to the one my grandfather gave me in the now distant or 1988.
addition to the market there was also an area in which they were put on show of evening dresses along with works by street artists.

In Padua in fe w days ago, and 'held the first vintage festival.
The event consisted of an exhibition of objects, clothes and more of the past.
Among the glasses, ba
g s and hats, of course, I saw a Polaroid type camera identical to the one my g randfather gave me back in 1988.
Besides the market there was also an area in w hich they were put on show of evening dresses alon g with works by street artists.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tongue Hurts When Sleeping

Tiny please / I need your help

Vi chiedo un piccolo please. I posted two photos in the morning of Padua for the 2010-2011 calendar to pass the selection I need to be voted on.
Just a short time and a click!

Here are the links:

Photo 1: commentatutti

Photo # 2: http://mattinopadova.gelocal. com / detail-sent? idarticolo = mattinopadova_2364091 & MessageId = 2140362 # commentatutti

once chosen, you just press vote and select the number 1:) Thank you so much

I ask a small favor. I posted two photos in the morning of Padua (Italian newspaper) for the 2010-2011 calendar to pass the selection I need to be Voted.
Just a short time and to click:

link here:

Photo 1: Photo

commentatutti # 2: http:/ / / detail-sent? idarticolo = mattinopadova_2364091 & MessageId = 2140362 # commentatutti

Once selected you just press the VOTE and select number 1:) I thank you

Saturday, September 4, 2010

How Do I Customize A Bmx

When the day met the night When the day met the night from Vicenza